You matter…!

Kalyani Rajendra Desai
3 min readJun 16, 2020

I am just trying to remind you why you matter. I am expressing my feelings and thoughts in a very simple and clear language. We all have questions in our mind like do I really matter? Why me? Why only me? Am I doing something wrong? It happens to the best of us. Whenever you are in depression or feeling really low or you have survived the blame of “Who are you”, or even if you are having a bad day we feel like my life doesn't matter and I don't matter. But this thinking is absolutely wrong. You matter. Your life does matter.

Sometimes you feel like you are not good enough for anything. What makes you feel like this because you have faced such type of challenges in your life which made you to self-doubt. Always remember that you are not alone in this big beautiful world. This world would be different if you were not born. If you have lost your self-respect, self-worth, your importance then you are at the right destination.

I will give you a few reasons to realize when you think you don't matter:

You are chosen one to be born and to live in this world

Our Mother Earth has over 8 billion people and yet you are the only person who is exactly like you. Take fingerprints as an example for an instance; they are unique and yet you are the only one with them. Do you believe in the saying, “The only person that can save you is you”? You have a contribution to make to the world, even if you’re not sure what it is.

You have the “superpower”

I think you all need to hear this that you may not know it, but you can do something so easily that you take it for granted. Take the time to deep dive into yourself and find out the artistic, intuitive, empathic, talented dancer or musician, skilled cook, caring, organized, a leader like abilities which are hidden inside you. These are your superpowers or skills you are blessed with. No matter what you think, this blessing is significant, so recognize you have a gift, use it, and share it with us.

You have the ability to be kind to someone who is depressed and down

I know you are wondering how this is possible. Well, you don't have to take any extra efforts to do that. You can just express your act of kindness to everybody whenever possible. Take a look at yourself and note that you are every bit capable of making a stranger’s day brighter. Lend them your ear. All they need is little warmth and just some assurance.

You have to believe that your voice, your existence and your presence can mean something. You have to believe that whatever you do matters. And you have to keep going even on days you don't believe in yourself. Even if you have the doubts and the struggles keep on doing it. You do it because it’s what you came here to do. So it is my humble request to you all that please don’t let self-victimization as your baby. :)

You are a human being and yet to accomplish everything you need to. Be positive, be happy, and most importantly, be yourself, because you are important in every aspect of your own.



Kalyani Rajendra Desai

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